Our Thanksgiving this year was really pretty relaxing. Midnight the night before our turkey was not defrosted enough to get the neck out so Randy stayed up with the turkey while doing his homework. When I awoke in the morning I found the turkey all ready to go in the bag and everything! What a great man I married! So we just cooked the turkey all day while I worked and the kids played.
Dinner was pretty good, out turkey was a little dry but still good. Ashley just learned about manners in Girl Scouts so she was helpful by setting the table. When everybody was seated we went around the table and shared what we were thankful for. The children gave a lot of thanks for their family....mostly grandparents!
When we were doing the dishes we discovered the stove top dressing still on the stove...LOL It made a great turkey casserole the next day. Oh well it’s just the way that life goes sometimes.
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